How to contact Dam Health online

  • If “Dam Health” is a recently established company or online service, I follow the following steps to contact them:
  • Search online: Dam Health’s official website ( ) may provide you with contact information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or contact forms.
  • Visit their website: Visit the official Dam Health website and look for the “Contact Us” or “Help” section.
  • dam health contact via social media:
    1. Facebook account of Dam Health @DAM Health|Liverpool can be contacted at
    2. You can contact Dam Health on Twitter account (@dam_health)
    3. Linkedin account of Dam Health Cake can be contacted
    4. You can direct message on Dam Health’s Instagram @damhealthgroup account

Dam health help line

  • Registered office Address – Suite 4102, Charlotte House Queens Dock Business Centre, Norfolk Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L1 0BG
  • Contact Email –
  • Phone Number +44 330 174 2200

Dam health

Name Dam health care limited
Company Namber 13065652
Company statusActive 
Company type Private limited commpany 
Incorporated on date 6 december 2020

Dam health - FAQ

Q Where is Dam Health’s headquarters?
Ans. Dam Health is located in Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Q Is Dam Health covered by insurance?
Ans. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of Dam Health services, but it’s important to check with your insurer before you sign up.

Q How much does Dam Health cost?
Ans. The cost of Dam Health varies depending on the services you use. For example, an online doctor consultation costs £25, a prescription costs £10, and a lab test costs £50. You can also sign up for a monthly subscription plan, which starts at £25 per month.

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